தமிழ்நாடு அரசுத்துறைகளில் ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் மாற்றம் - G.O. Rt. No.2571 - Dated: 19.06.2023 - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Monday, June 19, 2023


தமிழ்நாடு அரசுத்துறைகளில் ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் மாற்றம் - G.O. Rt. No.2571 - Dated: 19.06.2023

தமிழ்நாடு அரசுத்துறைகளில் ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் மாற்றம் - IAS in Tamil Nadu Govt. Change of Officers

Dated: 19.06.2023 - G.O. Rt. No.2571

நில நிர்வாகத்துறை ஆணையர் பீலா ராஜேஷ், எரிசக்தித்துறை செயலாளராக நியமனம்

எரிசக்தித்துறை செயலாளர் ரமேஷ் சந்த் மீனா, சிறப்பு திட்ட செயலாக்கத்துறை செயலாளராக நியமனம்

திருவண்ணாமலை கூடுதல் ஆட்சியர் வீர் பிரதாப் சிங், வணிகவரித்துறை இணை ஆணையராக நியமனம்

பட்டுப்புழு வளர்ப்பு இயக்குநர் விஜய ராணி கூட்டுறவுத்துறை கூடுதல் பதிவாளராக நியமனம்

எரிசக்தி நிறுவன நிர்வாக இயக்குநர் ஆசியா மரியம் சிறுபாண்மையினர் நலத்துறை இயக்குநராக நியமனம்

ஊரக வளர்ச்சி இணை செயலாளர் சந்திர சேகர் சஹாமுரி பட்டுப்புழு வளர்ப்பு இயக்குநராக நியமனம் ORDER:

Under Rule 4(2) of the IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954, sanction is accorded for the creation of a temporary post of Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Special Initiatives Department in the Chief Secretary Grade of IAS for a period of one year with effect from the date of appointment or till the need for it ceases, whichever is earlier.

2. Under Rule 4(2) of the IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954, sanction is accorded for the creation of a temporary post of Principal Secretary to Government, Energy Department in the Higher Administrative Grade of IAS for a period of one year with effect from the date of appointment, or till the need for it ceases, whichever is earlier.

3. The following transfers and postings are notified:-

(1) Dr. Beela Rajesh, IAS, Principal Secretary/Commissioner of Land Reforms is transferred and posted as Principal Secretary to Government, Energy Department in the post created in para 2 above vice Thiru Ramesh Chand Meena, IAS;

Dr. P. Alarmelmangai, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of

IAS - Thiru R. Kannan, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Cements Corporation - Orders - Issued. Chennai District Rural Development Agency, Salem - Orders - Issued

Dr. S. Suresh Kumar, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Khadi and Village Industries Board - Orders - Issued.

IAS Thiru Ranjeet Singh, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of District Rural Development Agency, Nagapattinam - Orders - Issued.

IAS - Thiru R. Kannan, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Cements Corporation - Orders - Issued. Transfers and postings Dr. Beela Rajesh, IAS; Thiru Ramesh Chand Meena, IAS; Thiru Veer Pratap Singh, IAS; Dr. J. Vijaya Rani, IAS; Tmt. M. Asia Mariam, IAS; and Thiru Chandra Sekhar Sakhamuri, IAS - Notified.

IAS Dr. S. Vijayakumar, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd. - Orders - Issued.

IAS Dr. S. Swarna, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation - Orders - Issued.

Thiru Ramesh Chand Meena, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Energy Department is transferred and posted as Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Special Initiatives Department in the post created in para 1 above vice Thiru Pradeep Yadav, IAS holding additional charge;

(iii) Thiru Veer Pratap Singh, IAS, Additional Collector (Development)/Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency, Thiruvannamalai is transferred and posted as Joint Commissioner (Intelligence), Commercial Taxes, Chennai vice Tmt. I.S. Mercy Ramya, IAS, already transferred;

(iv) Dr. J. Vijaya Rani, IAS, Director of Sericulture, Salem is transferred and posted as Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies vice Thiru A. Sankar, IAS, already transferred;

(v) Tmt. M. Asia Mariam, IAS, Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency is transferred and posted as Director of Minorities Welfare vice Dr. S. Suresh Kumar, IAS; and

(vi) Thiru Chandra Sekhar Sakhamuri, IAS, Joint Secretary to Government, Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department is transferred and posted as Director of Sericulture, Salem vice Dr. J. Vijaya Rani, IAS. 4. The services of Dr. S. Vijayakumar, IAS, Principal Secretary/Chairman and Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation are placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd. for appointment as its Principal Secretary/Chairman and Managing Director vice Dr. S. Swarna, IAS. He shall also function as Officer on Special Duty, Adyar-Cooum Comprehensive Rejuvenation Project.

5. The services of Dr. S. Swarna, IAS, Principal Secretary/Chairperson and Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Urban Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd. are placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation for appointment as its Principal Secretary/Chairperson and Managing Director vice Dr. S. Vijayakumar, IAS.

6. The services of Thiru R. Kannan, IAS, Additional Secretary to Government, Water Resources Department are placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Cements Corporation Ltd. for appointment as its Managing Director.

7. The services of Thiru Ranjeet Singh, IAS, Deputy Secretary to Government, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare Department are placed at the disposal of District Rural Development Agency, Nagapattinam for appointment as its Additional Collector (Development)/Project Officer vice Thiru M. Birathiviraj, IAS, already transferred.

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நண்பர்களே.. வாசகர்களின் கருத்து சுதந்திரத்தை வரவேற்கும் இந்தப்பகுதியை ஆரோக்கியமாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள அன்புடன் வேண்டுகிறோம்.

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