G.O Ms. No. 334 Dt: October 22, 2022 Finance Department – Enhancing the delegation of powers to the Secretaries to Government - Revised Orders - Issued - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Wednesday, October 26, 2022


G.O Ms. No. 334 Dt: October 22, 2022 Finance Department – Enhancing the delegation of powers to the Secretaries to Government - Revised Orders - Issued

அரசு செயலாளர்களுக்கு அதிகாரப் பிரதிநிதித்துவத்தை மேம்படுத்துதல் - திருத்தப்பட்ட ஆணைகள் - அரசாணை வெளியீடு!

G.O Ms. No. 334 Dt: October 22, 2022 Finance Department – Enhancing the delegation of powers to the Secretaries to Government - Revised Orders - Issued


Under Rule 10 read with Rule 39 of the Tamil Nadu Government Business Rules and Secretariat Instructions, all cases involving the State’s finances have to be referred to Finance Department except those for which general delegations have been indicated by the Finance Department.

2. In the Government Order read above, certain financial powers have been delegated to the Secretaries to Government and Departments of Secretariat so as to dispose of cases expeditiously without reference to Finance Department.

3. The Government have now decided to enhance the delegation of powers to enable disposal of cases without reference to Finance Department. Therefore, revision of orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.519, Finance (Salaries) Department, Dated 29.09.1997 is necessary.

4. Accordingly, the Government hereby prescribes delegation of powers to the Secretaries to Government and Departments of Secretariat as specified in the Annexure to this order.

5. While issuing orders in the cases covered under these delegations, the Departments of Secretariat are requested to add the following as last paragraph to their order as below:- “ This order does not require the concurrence of Finance Department as per G.O.Ms. No.334, Finance (BG-I) Department, dated. 22.10.2022.


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