Lr. No.14914/S2/2018-1 Dt: July 18, 2018 Alteration of date of birth of Government servants - Orders of High Court of Madras, dated 11.07.2017 in W.P. No.17792 of 2004 - Reckoning of age criteria based on the S.S.L.C Examination - Guidelines - Issued - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Monday, August 06, 2018


Lr. No.14914/S2/2018-1 Dt: July 18, 2018 Alteration of date of birth of Government servants - Orders of High Court of Madras, dated 11.07.2017 in W.P. No.17792 of 2004 - Reckoning of age criteria based on the S.S.L.C Examination - Guidelines - Issued

Lr. No.14914/S2/2018-1 Dt: July 18, 2018 Alteration of date of birth of Government servants - Orders of High Court of Madras, dated 11.07.2017 in W.P. No.17792 of 2004 - Reckoning of age criteria based on the S.S.L.C Examination - Guidelines - Issued.

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