Professional tax may go up by 35% - தொழில் வரியை ₹1250/- ஐ விட அதிகரிக்க முடியுமா? - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Saturday, August 03, 2024


Professional tax may go up by 35% - தொழில் வரியை ₹1250/- ஐ விட அதிகரிக்க முடியுமா?

தொழில் வரியை ₹1250/- ஐ விட அதிகரிக்க முடியுமா? Paper News

Professional tax may go up by 35%

►From, P 1

resently, the corporation P issues 75,000 trade li- cence bills under Chen- nai City Municipal Corpora tion Act, 1919, generating around 20 crore annually However, under the revised Tamil Nadu Urban Local Body Rules, 2023, taxes for several businesses will now see a two-fold to 10-fold in crease.

Eyeing about ₹50 crore ad ditional income, the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) proposed a 35% hike in pro- fessional tax for an estimated 2.15 lakh bills. It was revised last in May 2018. Those earn- ing between ₹21,001 and ₹30,000 will pay ₹180 half year- ly, as against the existing 135. Those in the ₹30,001 to ₹45,000 bracket will pay 430 com- pared to ₹315 now. Those earn- ing₹45,001 and above will now pay ₹930, up from ₹690.

The corporation collects professional taxes on those earning less than ₹21,000 while it has not hiked taxes for those earning above ₹60,000, as those coming un- der the latter are already pay- ing ₹1,250 tax half-yearly, an amount that's maxed out as per Union govt norms and cannot be increased more.

R Lalitha, deputy com- missioner (revenue and fi- nance), said they have re- quested the state govt to take up with the Centre to remove the cap on taxing those earn- ing above ₹60,000. "If this is done, we could tax those in the higher salary slab," she said.

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