ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் பணியிட மாற்றம் - G.O. Rt. No.4229 Dated: 12.10.2023 - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Thursday, October 12, 2023


ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் பணியிட மாற்றம் - G.O. Rt. No.4229 Dated: 12.10.2023


ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் பணியிட மாற்றம்

தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பம், டிஜிட்டல் சேவைகள் துறை செயலாளராக தீரஜ் குமார் நியமனம்

பள்ளிக்கல்வித்துறை செயலாளராக குமரகுருபரன் நியமனம்

சுற்றுலாத்துறை செயலாளராக கார்கலா உஷா நியமனம்

மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் நலத்துறை செயலாளராக ஜெயஸ்ரீ முரளிதரன் நியமனம்

தமிழ்நாடு தொழில்துறை வளர்ச்சி ஆணைய நிர்வாக இயக்குநராக சந்தீப் நந்தூரி நியமனம்

Transfers and postings Thiru Dheeraj Kumar, IAS; Thiru J. Kumaragurubaran, IAS; Tmt. Kakarla Usha, IAS; Tmt. Jayashree Muralidharan, IAS;- Notified. IAS Thiru Sandeep Nanduri, IAS Services placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Limited - Orders - Issued.


G.O. Rt. No.4229

Dated: 12.10.2023

Sobakiruthu, Purattasi-25, Thiruvalluvar Aandu - 2054.


Under Rule 4(2) of the IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954, sanction is accorded for the creation of a temporary post of Principal Secretary to Government, Information Technology and Digital Services Department in the Higher Administrative Grade of IAS for a period of one year with effect from the date of appointment or till the need for it ceases, whichever is earlier.

2. Under Rule 4(2) of the IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954, sanction is accorded for the creation of a temporary post of Secretary to Government, School Education Department in the Super Time Scale of IAS for a period of one year with effect from the date of appointment or till the need for it ceases, whichever is earlier.

3. The following transfers and postings are notified:-

(i) Thiru Dheeraj Kumar, IAS, Principal Secretary/Commissioner of Commercial Taxes is transferred and posted as Principal Secretary to Government, Information Technology and Digital Services Department vice Thiru J. Kumaragurubaran, IAS;

(11) Thiru J. Kumaragurubaran, IAS, Secretary to Government, Information Technology and Digital Services Department is transferred and posted as Secretary to Government, School Education Department vice Tmt. Kakarla Usha, IAS;

He shall also hold the post of Secretary to Government (Expenditure), Finance Department in full additional charge vice Thiru S. Nagarajan, IAS; School Education Department is transferred and posted as Principal Secretary/Commissioner of Tourism vice Thiru Sandeep Nanduri, IAS; She shall also function as Principal Secretary/Chairperson and Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation Limited.

(iv) Tmt. Jayashree Muralidharan, IAS, Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Limited is transferred and posted as Secretary to Government, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons Department vice Thiru Shunchonngam Jatak Chiru, IAS, holding additional charge. 4. The Services of Thiru Sandeep Nanduri, IAS, Director of Tourism and Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation Limited are placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Limited for appointment as its Managing Director vice Tmt. Jayashree Muralidharan, IAS.

5. Under Rule 12(1) of the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016, the Government declare that the posts of Principal Secretary to Government, Information Technology and Digital Services Department; and Secretary to Government, School Education Department created in paras 1 and 2 above be equivalent in status and responsibilities to the cadre posts of "Principal Secretary to Government" and "Secretary to Government" respectively specified in Schedule II-A of the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016.

6. Under Rule 12(1) of the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016, the Government declare that the post of Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Limited referred to in para 4 above be equivalent in status and responsibilities to the cadre post of "Director of Social Welfare" specified in Schedule II-A of the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016.

7. The terms and conditions of deputation of Thiru Sandeep Nanduri, IAS on foreign service will be governed as per the orders issued in G.O. Ms. No.167, Public (Special-A) Department, dated 21.2.1994.

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