11 ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் பணியிட மாற்றம் - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Tuesday, October 17, 2023


11 ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் பணியிட மாற்றம்

11 ஐ.ஏ.எஸ். அதிகாரிகள் பணியிட மாற்றம்

*ஆவடி, கோவை, மதுரை ஆகிய மாநகராட்சிகளின் ஆணையர்கள் மாற்றப்பட்டுள்ளனர்

Transfer and Posting - Thiru K. Tharpagaraj, IAS - Notified.


IAS- Thiru S. Sheik Abdul Rahaman, IAS- Services placed at the disposal of the Corporation of Avadi - Orders - Issued.

IAS Tvl. K.J. Praveen Kumar, IAS; and Katta Ravi Teja, IAS, - Services - placed at the disposal of the Greater Chennai Corporation - Orders - Issued. IAS Thiru L. Madhubalan, IAS- Services placed at the disposal of the Corporation of Madurai Orders - Issued.

IAS Thiru V.Sivakrishnamurthy, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of the - Corporation of Erode - Orders - Issued.

IAS - Thiru M. Sivaguru Prabakaran, IAS- Services placed at the disposal of the Corporation of Coimbatore - Orders - Issued.

IAS Thiru Thakare Shubham Dnyandeorao, IAS Services placed at the - disposal of the Corporation of Tirunelveli - Orders - Issued. IAS Thiru Katta Ravi Teja, IAS Services placed at the disposal of the Greater Chennai Corporation - Orders - Issued. IAS Thiru M. Prathap, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of the

Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board - Orders - Issued. IASTmt. S. Priyanka, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of the District Rural Development Agency, Tiruvarur District - Orders - Issued. IAS-Tmt. R. Saranya, IAS - Services placed at the disposal of the District Rural Development Agency, Cuddalore District - Orders - Issued.


G.O. Rt. No.4295


Sobakiruthu, Purattasi-29, Thiruvalluvar Aandu - 2054.


The following transfer and posting is notified:-

Thiru K. Tharpagaraj, IAS, Commissioner, Corporation of Avadi is transferred and posted as Deputy Secretary to Government, Higher Education Department.

2. The services of Thiru S. Sheik Abdul Rahaman, IAS, Regional Deputy Commissioner (Central), Greater Chennai Corporation are placed at the disposal of Corporation of Avadi for appointment as its Commissioner vice Thiru K. Tharpagaraj, IAS.

3. The services of Thiru K.J. Praveen Kumar, IAS, Commissioner, Corporation of Madurai are placed at the disposal of Greater Chennai Corporation for appointment as its Regional Deputy Commissioner (Central) vice Thiru S. Sheik Abdul Rahaman, IAS.

4. The services of Thiru L. Madhubalan, IAS, Additional Collector (Development) / Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency, Cuddalore District are placed at the disposal of Corporation of Madurai for appointment as its Commissioner vice Thiru K.J. Praveen Kumar, IAS.

5. The services of Thiru V. Sivakrishnamurthy, IAS, Commissioner, Corporation of Tirunelveli are placed at the disposal of Corporation of Erode for appointment as its Commissioner. The services of Thiru M. Sivaguru Prabakaran, IAS, Regional Deputy Commissioner (North), Greater Chennal Corporation are placed at the disposal of Corporation of Coimbatore for appointment as its Commissioner vice Thiru M. Prathap, IAS.

7. The services of Thiru Thakare Shubham Dnyandeorao, IAS, Additional Collector (Development) / Project Officer, District Rural

Development Agency, Thoothukudi District are placed at the disposal of Corporation of Tirunelveli for appointment as its Commissioner vice Thiru V. Sivakrishnamurthy, IAS; 8. The services of Thiru Katta Ravi Teja, IAS, Sub Collector, Tindivanam, Villupuram District are placed at the disposal of Greater Chennai Corporation for appointment as its Regional Deputy Commissioner (North) vice Thiru M. Sivaguru Prabakaran, IAS;

9. The services of Thiru M. Prathap, IAS, Commissioner, Corporation of Coimbatore are placed at the disposal of Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board for appointment as its Joint Managing Director and Project Director (World Bank and Asian Development Bank Project) vice Thiru M. Thangavel, IAS, transferred.

10. The services of Tmt. S. Priyanka, IAS, Sub Collector, Pollachi are placed at the disposal of District Rural Development Agency, Tiruvarur District for appointment as its Additional Collector (Development) / Project Officer.

11. The services of Tmt. R. Saranya, IAS, Sub Collector, Hosur are placed at the disposal of District Rural Development Agency, Cuddalore District for appointment as its Additional Collector (Development) / Project Officer vice Thiru L. Madhubalan, IAS.

12. Under Rule 12 (1) of the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 the Government declare that the post of Commissioner, Corporation of Erode; and Additional Collector (Development) / Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency, Tiruvarur District referred to in paras 5 and 10 above be equivalent in status and responsibilities to the cadre post of "Director of Social Welfare" specified in Schedule II-B of the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016.

13. The terms and conditions of deputation of Tvl. S. Sheik Abdul Rahaman, IAS; K.J. Praveen Kumar, IAS; L.Madhubalan, IAS; V. Sivakrishnamurthy, IAS; M. Sivaguru Prabakaran, IAS; Thakare Shubham Dnyandeorao, IAS; Katta Ravi Teja, IAS, M. Prathap, IAS, S. Priyanka, IAS and R. Saranya, IAS on foreign service, will be governed as per the orders issued in G.O. Ms. No. 167, Public (Special-A) Department, dated 21.02.1994

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நண்பர்களே.. வாசகர்களின் கருத்து சுதந்திரத்தை வரவேற்கும் இந்தப்பகுதியை ஆரோக்கியமாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள அன்புடன் வேண்டுகிறோம்.

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