Establishment - Panel for the post of Junior Assistant by transfer of service under Rule 3(g) of Tamil Nadu Ministerial Services for the year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024-Panel particulars called for - Reg - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Thursday, June 08, 2023


Establishment - Panel for the post of Junior Assistant by transfer of service under Rule 3(g) of Tamil Nadu Ministerial Services for the year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024-Panel particulars called for - Reg

Establishment - Panel for the post of Junior Assistant by transfer of service under Rule 3(g) of Tamil Nadu Ministerial Services for the year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024-Panel particulars called for - Reg

it is proposed to prepare a 1st of ghe candidates for appointment to the post of Junior Assistant by transter of service under Rule 3(g) of Special rules to Tami Nadu Masonal Services with reference to the admissible percentage on the estimate of vacancies approved for the year 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. Therefore, the Officers nowed in the despatch entry are requested to furnish the paniculars of the list of persons such as Once Assisoms Wehman, Gardeners etc. who have passed SSLC examination and getting salary below the pre-revised scales of pay of Rs. 5200-20200 2400 Grade pay (now level 8 in the pay maria Pts 19500-62000 the revised scales of pay, 2017) and appointed on or before 14.03.2015 and 14.03.2016 (e. seven years of government services completed before the crucial date 15.03.2022 and 15.03.2023) along with the seniors who are now elighe for the post along with other detalls as required in the proforma enclosed


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