COMBINED STATISTICAL SUBORDINATE SERVICES (EXAMINATION) (Notification) - TNPSC இன்று (15/09/2022) வெளியிட்டுள்ள முக்கிய அறிவிப்பு - New Job Notification - PDF - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Friday, September 16, 2022


COMBINED STATISTICAL SUBORDINATE SERVICES (EXAMINATION) (Notification) - TNPSC இன்று (15/09/2022) வெளியிட்டுள்ள முக்கிய அறிவிப்பு - New Job Notification - PDF

TNPSC இன்று (15/09/2022) வெளியிட்டுள்ள முக்கிய அறிவிப்பு - New Job Notification - PDF

Applications are invited from eligible candidates only through online mode upto 14.10.2022 for direct recruitment to the posts included in Combined Statistical Subordinate Services Examination


 All recruitments by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission are purely merit based.

 The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission hereby cautions the applicants against touts and agents who may cheat, by making false promises of securing jobs through unfair means.

 The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission shall not be responsible or liable for any loss that may be caused to any applicant on account of indulging in any sort of dealings with such unscrupulous elements.

 Applicants are solely responsible for their claims in the online application. They cannot blame service providers like internet cafes/browsing centres/ Common Service centres for the mistakes made while applying online for recruitment. Applicants are advised to check the filled in online application along with required documents (see Annexure III) before finally submitting the same.

 The applicants shall mandatorily upload the certificates / documents (in support of all the claims made / details furnished in the online application) at the time of submission of online application itself. It shall be ensured by the applicants that the online application shall not be submitted without uploading the required certificates.

 Applicants are directed to read all the information / instructions / guidelines given in this notification and the Commission’s “Instructions to applicants” before applying for this recruitment. Clarification if any required, may be obtained over phone and email well ahead of the last date for submission of online application. Candidates should follow the instructions given in the online application also.


It is mandatory for applicants to register their basic particulars through one - time online registration system on payment of Rs.150/- (Rupees One hundred and fifty only) towards registration fee and then they should apply online for this recruitment. [The one-time registration will be valid for five years from the date of registration. Thereafter, the registration should be renewed by paying the prescribed fee.] One Time Registration will not be considered as an application for any post. [For further details refer para 2 of the Commission’s Instructions to Applicants.]


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நண்பர்களே.. வாசகர்களின் கருத்து சுதந்திரத்தை வரவேற்கும் இந்தப்பகுதியை ஆரோக்கியமாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள அன்புடன் வேண்டுகிறோம்.

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