Appointment of various project posts in CIET , NCERT - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Tuesday, August 01, 2023


Appointment of various project posts in CIET , NCERT


Appointment of various project posts in CIET , NCERT

Subject: Appointment of various project posts in CIET, NCERT CIET, NCERT invite suitable candidates for Walk-in-Interview for following 25 academic/technical project posts approved by PAC/PAB.

Candidates will have to report for the skill test/interview on the fixed date and report latest by 9.00 a.m. to the Section Officer (SO), Planning & Research Division (P&RD), Room No.242, CIET 2nd floor, Chacha Nehru Bhawan, CIET, NCERT, New Delhi-110 016 with copies of original certificates and testimonials for verification. 1. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility conditions in terms of (i) educational qualifications (ii) experience etc.

2. These posts are purely temporary and posts may increase/decrease as per need.

3. Candidates already in a job should forward their applications through their employer and/or come with a “No Objection Certificate”, without which the candidate will not be allowed to appear for this interview.

4. Candidate should bring at the time of interview along with bio-data in support of their degree and experiences in the prescribed forms only.

5. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview

6. If selected, candidates may be required to join immediately.

7. Candidates should bring along with them their written and/or published work, if any, (including their art work, Multimedia, Graphics, Animation, Audio/Videos Advertisement/Promos, Books, Journals, Thesis/Dissertation Magazines, etc).

8. The Council reserves the right to relax any of the requirements i.e. educational qualification, experience etc. in exceptional cases.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Central Institute of Educational Technology PDF

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