தமிழ்நாட்டு மருத்துவக்கல்லூரிகளில் மாணவர் சேர்க்கை கலந்தாய்வை, இனி இந்திய ஒன்றிய அரசே நடத்தும் என்பது மாநில தன்னாட்சி மீது விழுந்துள்ள மற்றுமொரு பேரிடி! - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Saturday, May 13, 2023


தமிழ்நாட்டு மருத்துவக்கல்லூரிகளில் மாணவர் சேர்க்கை கலந்தாய்வை, இனி இந்திய ஒன்றிய அரசே நடத்தும் என்பது மாநில தன்னாட்சி மீது விழுந்துள்ள மற்றுமொரு பேரிடி!

தமிழ்நாட்டு மருத்துவக்கல்லூரிகளில் மாணவர் சேர்க்கை கலந்தாய்வை, இனி இந்திய ஒன்றிய அரசே நடத்தும் என்பது மாநில தன்னாட்சி மீது விழுந்துள்ள மற்றுமொரு பேரிடி!

Medical College Admission: Don't Deprive States' Autonomous Rights!

The fact that counseling for admissions to medical colleges in Thamizh Nadu Indian Union government is yet another to the state's autonomy. The autocratic attitude of the BJP government to take away the rights of the state government one by one and pile up power under its control is highly condemnable.

The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), which is under the control of the Indian Union Government, has so far been conducting admissions only in medical colleges of the Indian Union Government and medical colleges run by the State Governments under the Union government quota (15%). However, in the name of regulating medical admissions, from this year onwards, admissions to all medical colleges in all states and union territories will now be conducted by the Indian Union government through the DGHS.

Ever since the Modi government came to power in the Indian Union, it has been concentrating power under its thumb, undermining the principle of federalism, and voicing out for one tax, one education policy, and one ration card to take the country towards unitary rule. As the next brutal assault on the sovereignty of the nationalities, it is now seeking to usurp the right to conduct counseling for admission in medical colleges.

Each state follows different education policies; likewise, different types of reservation systems are also followed in each state. Especially in Thamizh Nadu, 69% of reservations are followed in education and employment categories. Apart from this, a 7.5% special quota for government school students in medical admissions is also in place. However, when medical admissions are conducted by the Indian Union government, there may be a danger of canceling all these in the name of adopting a uniform system of admissions across the Indian Union like NEET.

Apart from this, in Thamizh Nadu, where there are a large number of medical colleges, there are irregularities in the admission of students from other states who have passed NEET by producing fake seat certificates. Such irregularities are likely to increase manifold when the Indian Union Government takes over medical admissions in their entirety.

As if it were not enough to destroy the medical dreams of the rural students of Thamizh Nadu through NEET, the BJP- led Indian Union Government has now decided to conduct medical college admissions in Thamizh Nadu in order to take away the medical seats of Thamizh students who have passed the NEET examination. This is an authoritarian tendency to usurp the "leftover" power of the states in medical education.

The DMK, which has been vocal when it comes to state autonomous rights for 60 years, has given away the rights of the state one by one. During the first assembly session, the DMK had said that NEET would be cancelled and the right to medical education of students in Thamizh Nadu would be protected, but it has not been implemented even after two years of its regime. I urge the Thamizh Nadu government to take up a political and legal battle to protect at least the right to medical admission, which is now being systematically taken away by the Indian Union Government.

On behalf of Naam Thamizhar Katchi, I urge the BJP- led Indian union government to immediately abandon the decision to take away the right to conduct medical admissions from the states.

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நண்பர்களே.. வாசகர்களின் கருத்து சுதந்திரத்தை வரவேற்கும் இந்தப்பகுதியை ஆரோக்கியமாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொள்ள அன்புடன் வேண்டுகிறோம்.

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