Ban on Creation new Posts in Government Departments- Amendment - Orders- issued. ( G.O.(M.S)NO :382 .Dated :24.10.2020 ) - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020


Ban on Creation new Posts in Government Departments- Amendment - Orders- issued. ( G.O.(M.S)NO :382 .Dated :24.10.2020 )

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ECONOMY in Expenditure- CORONA-(COVID-19)-Ban on Creation new Posts in Government Departments- Amendment - Orders- issued. G.O.(M.S)NO :382 .dated:24.10.2020
1. Considering, the prevailing situation of COVID-19 in the State and the compelling need to regulate expenditure on emoluments, complete ban on creation of new posts in all Departments had been imposed in the Government Order read above. 2. Some of the Departments are expressing difficulties in carrying out the recruitment of the front line field staff who are essential for implementation of COVID-19 pandemic relief work. 3. In order to enable the smooth recruitment of requisite front line field staff, and to remove the requirement of Staff Committee concurrence for filling vacant posts, Government has decided the following amendment to para 3(ii) of the Government order read above. AMENDMENT
"Recruitment against existing entry level vacant posts including on compassionate grounds shall continue. In cases where the posts have been vacant for more than 3 years, approval of the Staff Committee shall be obtained for revival of the posts prior to filling them up" (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR) S.KRISHNAN, ADDITIONAL CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT
Amendment - Orders- issued. G.O.(M.S)NO :382 .dated:24.10.2020 - Download here... ЁЯСНJoin OurЁЯУ▒TelegramЁЯМНGroupЁЯСЙClick Here Press Ur Reaction Below& Share Ur Whatsapp Groups - Thank U

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