G.O(D) No.27 Dt: June 23, 2023 - Information Technology and Digital Services - ELCOT Extending the services of TNSWAN Phase-II extension project for a further period of 6 months from 14.02.2023 to 13.08.2023 - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Tuesday, June 27, 2023


G.O(D) No.27 Dt: June 23, 2023 - Information Technology and Digital Services - ELCOT Extending the services of TNSWAN Phase-II extension project for a further period of 6 months from 14.02.2023 to 13.08.2023


G.O(D) No.27 Dt: June 23, 2023 - Information Technology and Digital Services- Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited(ELCOT)- Extending the services of TNSWAN Phase-II extension project for a further period of 6 months from 14.02.2023 to 13.08.2023-Sanction and release of a sum of Rs.12.5685 Crore- To engage the services of the existing Operating Agency, M/s. TCS for the extended period operations of TNSWAN Phase-2 Extension project as per rule 14(9) of Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tender Rules,2000- Orders - Issued.


In the Government Order lst read above, ELCOT was permitted to extend the TNSWAN Phase-II operations by 3 years and 4 months from 09.06.2018 or till such time TamiINet project becomes operational, whichever is earlier.

2. In the Government Order 2nd read above, ELCOT was sanctioned a sum of Rs.21.838 Crore towards the 3rd year operations of TNSWAN Phase-II Extension project from 14.02.2021 to 13.02.2022.

3. In the Government Order 3rd read above, ELCOT was sanctioned a sum of Rs.25.137 Crore towards extending the services of TNSWAN Phase-II Extension project for a period of 1 year from 14.02.2022 to 13.02.2023. 4. In the letter 4th read above, the Managing Director, ELCOT has requested the Government to extend the services of TNSWAN Phase-II Extension project for a further period of 6 months, i.e. from 14.02.2023 to 13.08.2023 at an estimated cost of Rs. 12.5685 Crore and to engage the services of the existing Operating Agency, M/s.TCS for the extended period operations ofTNSWAN Phase-2 Extension project as per rule 14(9) of Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders Rules, 2000. The Budgetary Estimation for TNSWAN Phase-2 extension for another six months (i.e. from 14.02.2023 to 13.08.2023) is detailed as follows:

5. The Government after careful examination, have decided to accept the proposal of Managing Director, ELCOT and hereby sanction and release a sum of Rs.12.5685 Crore (Rupees twelve crore fifty .six lakh and eighty five thousand only) towards extending the services of TNSWAN Phase-II Extension project for a further period of 6 months i.e. from 14.02.2023 to 13.08.2023 and accord permission to ELCOT to engage the services of the existing Operating Agency, M/s. TCS for the extended period operations of TNSWAN Phase-2 Extension project as per rule 14(9) of Tamil Nadu Transparency in Tenders Rules. 2000

6. The expenditure sanctioned in paragraph 5 above shall be debited to the following Head of Account: -

“2852 - Industries – 07 – Telecommunication and Electronic Industries – 800 Other Expenditure – State’s Expenditure – JD. Assistance to ELCOT towards Tamil Nadu State Wide Area Network - 309. Grants-in-Aid-01- Grants for current expenditure”. IFHRMS (DPC 2852-07-800-JD-30901 ).

7. The amount sanctioned in paragraph 5 above shall not be paid in cash but credited to the following head of account through ECS/Cheque in favour of Personal Deposit account of the Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited: K. Deposits and Advances (b) Deposits not bearing Interest – 8443-00. Civil Deposits – 800. Other Deposits – BX. Deposits of Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (ELCOT) 801- Receipts 02- Not Bearing Interest. IFHRMS (DPC-8443-00-800-BX-801 02) 8. Necessary additional funds of Rs.1,07,18,000/- will ,be provided in Revised Estimate/Final Modified Apprdpriation 2023-2024. Pending proVision of such funds, the Section Officer (Bills) is authorized to draw and disburse the amount sanctioned in paragraph 5 above to the concerned. However, the expenditure shall be brought to the notice of the Legislature by Specific Inclusion in the Supplementary Estimate 2023-2024. The Section Officer (Bills / OP) is directed to include this expenditure while sending the Budget proposal for RE/FMA 2023-2024 and also to send necessary draft explanatory notes for including the above expenditure in the Supplementary Estimates 2023-2024 to Government in Finance (BG-1/Industries) Department at the appropriate time without fail.

9. The Section Officer (Bills), Information Technology and Digital Services Department is authorized to draw and disburse the amount sanctioned in paragraph 5 above to the PD account of Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited.

10. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (Industries) Department vide its U.O. No.22766/Finance(Industries)/2023, dated 21.06.2023 with ASL No.345 (Three Hundred and forty five) (IFHRMS ASL No.2023060345). (BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR)


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