Recruitment - Estimate of vacancy to be sent to the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Regarding . - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Thursday, November 23, 2023


Recruitment - Estimate of vacancy to be sent to the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Regarding .

Recruitment - Estimate of vacancy to be sent to the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission - Regarding .

I would like to bring to your kind notice about the ongoing recruitments and recruitment for posts that are pending for notification in the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.

The details have been placed in the All Secretaries meetings held on 27.09.2023 and 31.10.2023

I would like to bring to your kind notice about the ongoing recruitments and rectment for posts that are pending for notification in the Tamil Nadu Pubic Service Commission The details have been placed in the All Secretares meets he's on 27 09.2023 and 31.10.2023. 2 Al Secretaries have also been requested to speed up the process of send me the estimate of vacancies for posts under direct recruitment

3 In this regard, I request you to send the estimate of vacancies to the Tam Nadu Pubic Service Commission as requested in the All Secretaries Weebngs so as to enable the Commission to initiate the recruitment process on I would Ike to emphasise that the estimate of vacancies for Group-11. Group-A and Group-IV for the estimate years upto 2023-2024 may be furnished soon and sent to Tamil Nadu Pubic Service Commission as these exams form aucf Commission's work.

I request that come ance may be reported to Human Resources Management cement Department by 27 11.2023 so as to place this subject in the next Secretares meeting.

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