CPS Cell - Proposals for final settlement under CPS to subscribers who retired/resigned, deceased or terminated from service - Clarifications issued by the Government - Regarding - CPS CELL OF TREASURIES AND ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR No. 0065/CPS/2019 Dated: 09.10.2020 - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Friday, October 09, 2020


CPS Cell - Proposals for final settlement under CPS to subscribers who retired/resigned, deceased or terminated from service - Clarifications issued by the Government - Regarding - CPS CELL OF TREASURIES AND ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR No. 0065/CPS/2019 Dated: 09.10.2020

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No. 0065/CPS/2019 Dated: 09.10.2020
Sir / Madam,
Sub: CPS Cell - Proposals for final settlement under CPS to subscribers who retired/resigned, deceased or terminated from service - Clarifications issued by the Government - Regarding.
1. G.O. Ms. No. 59, Finance (PGC) Department, Dated: 22.03.2016.
2. Government Lr. No. 6941/ Finance (PG-I) /2019, Dated: 20.07.2020.
3. This office Lr. No. 0065/CPS/2019, Dated: 19.08.2020. In the reference 2nd cited, the Government have directed that while sending the Final Authorisation proposal for the CPS subscribers, the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOS) shall submit the proposals with details in the annexures given in the references 1" and 2nd cited (Copies enclosed) along with scanned pages of the Service Register duly attested by the DDOS concerned to ensure the correctness of the particulars of the individual so as to avoid risks in handling the original Service Registers through post/courier. Consequently, all the HoDs were addressed to issue suitable instructions to the DDOS under their control with a copy marked to the PAOS/DTOS to issue sensitise the DDOS in their Bill Audit control. However, the DDOS are continuing with the practice of sending proposals for Final Authorisation of CPS for their employees enclosing Service Registers instead of attested copies of Service Registers. I am therefore to request you to instruct the DDOS under your Bill Audit control to follow the above revised guidelines while sending the Final Authorisation proposal for the CPS subscribers. You are also requested to inform the DDOS that proposals received along with the original Service Register would not be accepted by this Department and the same will be returned to the sender.
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