G.O. (Ms) No.523 Dated: 24.09.2020 - 10 , 12 ஆம் வகுப்பு விருப்பமுள்ள மாணவர்கள் அக். 1 முதல் பள்ளிகளுக்கு வருவதற்கான நெறிமுறை அரசாணை தமிழக அரசு வெளியீடு. ( GO NO : 523 , Date : 24.09.2020 ) Disaster Management Act, 2005 - COVID-19 - To permit students studying in Standards 10 to 12 in Government/ Government-Aided/ Private schools to come to schools on a voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers and issue of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) with effect from 01.10.2020 - Orders - Issued - kaninikkalvi - No 1 Educational Website in Tamil Nadu

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Thursday, September 24, 2020


G.O. (Ms) No.523 Dated: 24.09.2020 - 10 , 12 ஆம் வகுப்பு விருப்பமுள்ள மாணவர்கள் அக். 1 முதல் பள்ளிகளுக்கு வருவதற்கான நெறிமுறை அரசாணை தமிழக அரசு வெளியீடு. ( GO NO : 523 , Date : 24.09.2020 ) Disaster Management Act, 2005 - COVID-19 - To permit students studying in Standards 10 to 12 in Government/ Government-Aided/ Private schools to come to schools on a voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers and issue of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) with effect from 01.10.2020 - Orders - Issued

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50% ஆசிரியர்களுடன் அக்.1ஆம் தேதி முதல் தமிழகத்தில் பள்ளிகளை திறக்க அனுமதி அரசு அனுமதி. ABSTRACT
Disaster Management Act, 2005 - COVID-19 - To permit students studying in Standards 10 to 12 in Government/ Government-Aided/ Private schools to come to schools on a voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers and issue of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) with effect from 01.10.2020 - Orders - Issued.
Revenue and Disaster Management (D.M.IV)Department
G.O. (Ms) No.523 Dated: 24.09.2020
Due to pandemic COVID-19 outbreak, the Government have taken various preventive measures to contain the spread of virus and have directed that the Schools and Colleges to remain closed, until further orders vide G.O. (Ms) No. 172, Revenue and Disaster Management Department, dated 25.03.2020. The lockdown has been further extended till 30.09.2020 vide G.O.(Ms)No.447 Revenue and Disaster Management (DM-IV) Department, dated 31.08.2020. 2. The Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, In Its Unlock 4 order dated 29.8.2020 among other things permitted upto 50% of teaching and non-teaching staff to be called to the schools at a time for online teaching/ telecounselling and related work, in areas outside the Containment Zones only, with effect from 21st September 2020. Further the Government of India. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in its order dated 8th September 2020 issued Standard Operating Procedures for partial reopening of schools for students of 9th to 12th class on a voluntary basis for taking guidance from their teachers in the context of Covid -19. 3. The School Education department has proposed to permit students studying in Standards 10 to 12 in Government/ Government Aided/ Private schools to come to schools on a voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers and to call upto 50% of teachers who are taking classes for Standards 10 to12, at a time for providing guidance to students studying in Standards 10 to 12, counselling and other related works, in areas outside the Containment Zones only, with effect from 19 October 2020 duly following Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). 4. The Government hereby permit the students studying in Standards 10 to 12 in Government/ Government Aided/ Private schools to come to schools on a voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers and for further related works and to call upto 50% of teachers who are taking classes for Standards 10 to 12, at a time except in areas outside the Containment Zones only, by following Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as annexure to this order with effect from 1st October 2020.

(By Order of the Governor)
To The Principal Secretary to Government, School Education
Department, Chennai -09
The Principal Secretary and Commissioner of Revenue Administration, Chepauk, Chennai-5.
The Director, School Education, Chennai -25 Copy to: The Hon'ble Chief Minister Office, Chennai -09
The Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to Government, Chennai-9.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) with regard to COVID-19 for permitting students studying in Standards 10 to 12 in Government/ Government-Aided/ Private schools to come to schools on a voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers

The Government has decided to permit students studying in Standards 10 to 12 in Government/ Government Aided/ Private schools to come to schools on a voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers and to call upto 50% of teachers who are taking classes for Standards 10 to 12, at a time for providing guidance to students studying in Standards 10 to 12, counselling and other related works, in areas outside the Containment Zones only, with effect from 15 October 2020,

The Students studying in Standards 10 to 12 shall be divided into two batches. Students of only one batch shall be permitted on a day. The first batch shall come to school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the second batch shall come to school on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, With regard to teachers, in the first week, first batch shall work for 2 days at a stretch (Monday & Tuesday) and the second batch shall work for the next 2 days (Wednesday & Thursday) followed by the first batch for the next 2 days (Friday & Saturday). In the subsequent week, second batch shall work for 2 days at a stretch (Monday & Tuesday) and the first batch shall work for the next 2 days (Wednesday & Thursday) followed by the second batch for the next 2 days (Friday & Saturday).

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD G.O PDF Students of classes 10, 11 and 12 studying in all schools are permitted to visit their schools, in areas outside the containment zones only, on voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers to learn their lessons during this lockdown period due to COVID-19, This will be subject to written consent of their parents/ guardians and will be permitted with effect from 1 October 2020. However, online/distance learning through other modes shall be continued.

The Government has already issued standard operating Procedure for distribution of Textbooks and other educational items vide 6.0, Ms. No.344 Revenue and Disaster Management (DMIT) Department dated 0.07.2020 and for new admissions in all schools in Tamil Nadu vide G.O, Ms. No.273 Revenue and Disaster Management (DM4) Department dated 13.08.2020.

The Government now issue the following Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) with regard to COVID-19 based on the Standard Operating Procedure issued by Government of India dated 8.9.2020 for permitting the students studying in Standards 10 to 12 in Government/ Government Aided/ Private schools to come to schools on a voluntary basis, for taking guidance from their teachers with regard to COVID-19 subject to the condition that schools outside the containment zones shall only be allowed to open and students/ teachers/ employees residing in containment zones shall not be allowed to visit schools.

Students of each standard (10th, 11th and 12th) shall be called to schools according to pre-assigned time slots/schedule to avoid crowding restricting to 50% students in a class on a day.

Such teacher -student interaction must be organized in a staggered manner.

Proper boxes must be marked on the floor/ground to ensure social distancing in the queue wherever required.

On all working days, proper social distancing norms shall be followed to avoid crowding in the entrance and inside the school premises.

The students shall not be allowed to linger outside in the schools.

Students in containment zones and quarantine due to travel shall be asked to come to school for getting guidance after the quarantine/containment period is over or the containment zone is declared normal.

These students may be contacted over phone by the teachers to provide guidance.

Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed as far as possible while making seating arrangements in class rooms. P

hysical distancing shall also be maintained in staff rooms, office areas (including reception areas) and in other places.

If weather permits, outdoor spaces shall be utilized for conducting teacher - student interactions, keeping in view the safety and security of the students and physical distancing protocols.

Assemblies, Sports and events that can lead to overcrowding shall be strictly avoided.

Swimming pools(Wherever applicable) shall remain closed. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD G.O PDF II. Precautionary measures and sanitization

1. Prior to calling students to schools, the school premises along with furniture, hand rails, doors, windows etc. shall be disinfected properly with 1 % Sodium Hypochlorite solution and following the Government guidelines already issued for the same. This exercise should also be done daily before the commencement of school in the morning.

2. Provision of hand wash facilities with soap and running water which is the most preferred mode of disinfection for hands shall be made adequately. In addition, hand sanitizers shall be provided.

3. Teachers and students shall only be allowed to enter the premises after washing their hands with soap / sanitizing. Suitable hand wash with soap sanitization provisions with alcohol based sanitizers shall be made at the entry and exit points of the schools and wherever required.

4. CEOs shall communicate the Government guidelines for sanitization of public places to all schools / local bodies/health department officials for strict compliance by all concerned.

5. Wash areas, toilets, etc., where people are likely to come shall be disinfected properly. Social distancing norms shall apply to such areas strictly.

6. Instead of biometric attendance for teachers/staff, alternate arrangements for contactless attendance shall be made by the school administration.

7. The school should display State helpline numbers and also numbers of local health authorities etc. to teachers / students / employees to contact in case of any emergency.

8. Air-conditioning should be avoided to the extent possible. Wherever, absolutely necessary, for air-conditioning / ventilation, the GOI guidelines shall be followed which emphasizes that the temperature setting of all air conditioning devices should be in the range of 24-30°C, relative humidity should be in the range of 40 70%, intake of fresh air should be as much as possible and cross ventilation should be adequate. Air circulation system should allow fresh/treated fresh air with fresh air level more than 50%.

9. The management of every school shall be responsible for the upkeep of their school premises according to these standards. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD G.O PDF III. Social behaviour for pandemic prevention
1. The Head Master/ Principal shall ensure that a clean face mask is used by all teachers/students/ personnel involved in the work.

2. Wearing of face cover shall be compulsory in all areas of the school premises by everyone. Touching the mask should be kept to minimum.

3. Touching the face or any part of the face should be avoided.

4. Touching any surfaces of furniture/fixtures/railings/lifts/handles and other surfaces should be kept to the minimum.

5. Spitting should be strictly prohibited except in wash areas where the same should be washed away in running water immediately.

6. Social distancing shall be maintained at all places.

7. Respiratory etiquettes should be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one's mouth and nose while coughing/ sneezing with a tissue paper / handkerchief/ flexed elbow and disposing off used tissue paper properly.

8. Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest shall be done. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD G.O PDF IV. Thermal screening in schools

1. Thermal screening of all students/staff/teachers shall be done when they arrive at the school.

2. A no-touch thermometer, 4 numbers of AAA cells for replacement and a clean cloth are to be kept ready for thermal screening. The Principal/ Head Master shall check whether it is functional every day.

3. Thermal screening could be done before the person enters the school. Subject to the infrastructure available, it is desirable that persons wait in a queue following physical distancing norms, in some shaded area like a covered structure or corridor, etc,. Proper marking should be done in the floor for social distancing.

4. The person handling the thermometer should wash hands and dry them before touching the no-touch thermometer. That person should familiarize himself with the instructions.

5. Before using the no-touch thermometer, the person handling it should look at the infrared sensor lens at the end of the unit. If dirty, it should be cleaned so that the thermometer works properly. To clean the lens, wipe gently with a damp swab. and do not touch the lens with the fingers.

6. To prevent transmission of disease, avoid direct contact of the thermometer with a person's skin.

7. After use every day, the device handle should be wiped clean and dry, before storing it safely for the next use.

8. The thermometer should be checked for functioning an hour before the first use each day. In case, the cells are having no power left, they should be replaced. Always spare cells should be available with the person operating the thermometer.

9. The average normal body temperature is generally accepted as 98.6°F (37°C). Some studies have shown that the "normal" body temperature can have a wide range, from 97°F (36.1°C) to 99°F (37.2°C). The persons who show temperature above 37.2°C may be restricted from entering the school premises and shall be referred to a nearby Health centre/Hospital. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD G.O PDF V. Conduct of training in High Tech labs/ other laboratories

1. For practical activities in laboratories, maximum capacity per session based on redesigned spaces shall be planned and scheduled accordingly duly following physical distancing norms.

2. The equipments shall be disinfected properly, particularly the frequently touched surfaces before and after each use.

3. It shall be ensured that a floor area of 4m2 per person is available for working on equipment/work station.

4. All staff/students shall sanitize their hands before and after using training equipment. For such purpose hand sanitizers should be provided at workstations/Hi tech labs etc.

VI. Other instructions

1. All employees/teachers/students must compulsorily wear their Identity card at all times.

2. Employees/ teachers/students should be strictly instructed not to create any gathering inside the school premises.

3. All employees who are at higher risk i.e., older employees, pregnant employees and employees who have underlying medical conditions should take extra precautions. They should preferably not be exposed to any front-line work requiring direct contact with the students.

4. All employees/ students shall be made aware of COVID prevention practices.

5. The Head Master/Principal shall be held responsible for adherence of guidelines in school and should carry out compliance checks frequently.

6. Appropriate back-up stock of personal protection items like face covers / masks, hand sanitizers etc. shall be made available by management to the teachers and employees.

7. Availability of sufficient covered dustbins and trash cans and provision for proper disposal of used personal protective items and general waste in accordance with Government guidelines should be ensured. Housekeeping employees shall be informed & trained about norms for waste management & disposal. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD G.O PDF 8. Entry of unnecessary visitors shall be strictly prohibited.

9. Sharing of items like notebook, pens/pencil, eraser, water bottle etc, amongst students should not be allowed.

10. If transportation facility is being managed by the school, proper physical dancing, sanitization of buses/other transport vehicles(with 1% sodium hypochlorite) shall be ensured as per the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Private school buses and vans issued in G.O.Ms.No.279, Revenue and Disaster Management (DM II) Department dated 06.06.2020.

11. It shall be ensured that regular counseling is done for students and teachers reporting mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

12. Teachers, school counselors and school health workers should work in unison to ensure emotional safety of the students.

VII. SOP to be followed in case a student/teacher/employee develops symptoms(fever, cough difficulty in breathing)

1. Place the ill person in a room or area where they are isolated from others.

2. Inform parents/guardians as the case may be.

3. Patient shall remain isolated while wearing a mask/face cover till such time they are examined by a doctor/health worker.

4. Immediately inform the nearest medical facility(hospital/Clinic).

5. Disinfection of the premises to be taken up if the person is found positive.

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